Conference with Janie + 30-day Membership Access

This is where you book your Conference with me and gain access to the Membership for 30 days.  The cost is $95.


The conference will be private (just you and me) and will happen on Zoom.  We'll talk through the issues in your case, and I'll tell you how we'll solve them inside of the YMD Membership.


If I think the Membership is not right for you, I will tell you that and will refund your $95 payment.


If you decide during the conference that the Membership is not right for you, you can tell me that and I will refund your $95 payment.


If you decide to give the Membership a test drive, your $95 payment will cover your conference with me and your first thirty (30) days in the Membership.


You can use those first 30 days to check out the platform and join me inside of my weekly Q&A office hours on Zoom.


Janie Lanza Vowles -- Practicing Divorce Lawyer -- Founder of


P.S.  After you submit payment, you'll go to a page where you can select the date and time for your conference.

$95 for Conference with Janie + 30-day Membership Access

  • I understand that my credit card will be charged $95 right now.


  • I understand that, if I remain in the Membership after my conference with Janie, this $95 payment will cover my first 30 days in the Membership.


  • I understand that I will have a video conference with Janie shortly.  If I decide the YMD Membership is not right for me, I will receive a refund of the $95 payment.