Expert Divorce Advice.


Transparent Flat Fees.


Book a Free Conference

Divorce is Stressful Enough.  Retainers and Hourly Fees might be worse.

The retainer-and-hourly-fee model is a dinosaur.

  • This is the model that most divorce lawyers have used for fifty-plus years (like, it's really old.)
  • Using this model means you pay your lawyer based on the time he spends on your case.

Figuring sh$%!t out for yourself is no picnic either.


  • You can represent yourself.
  • But it is near-impossible to navigate family court alone.
  • And you've got a lot on the line.

Friends Offer "Advice."


  • But what you've heard so far is scaring the crap out of you.
  • Now you're even more afraid of what you could lose, and what the future holds for your family.

What if there's another option?


What if you can ditch the dinosaur model. . .


. . . and access an experienced Massachusetts Divorce Lawyer without leaving your house. . . 


And what if you can do all of that for a flat monthly fee that you can actually afford?


Click Here to Book a Free Conference

You CAN.


In fact, that's exactly what we do inside of the YMD Membership.

The YMD (for "Your Massachusetts Divorce"Membership is the group of Massachusetts divorcing parents . . .


. . . who receive legal advice and guidance from me throughout their divorces. . .


. . . without paying me a retainer or getting billed by the hour.


By the way. . . I'm Janie.


I'm a practicing divorce lawyer with twenty-plus years of experience (and counting!) in Massachusetts Probate and Family Courts.


So contested divorces is kind of my thing.


I created the YMD Membership to give every Massachusetts divorcing parent legal advice that is convenient and affordable.

But don't take my word for it.  Here's what my clients say:

Here's How it Works.


You join the YMD Membership with a couple of clicks and you immediately get:


  • 24/7 access to the platform of instructional content (including videos and templates) that I've personally created that shows you what to do first, next and after that in your divorce.  And. .


  • You get me personally monitoring your progress to make sure you're doing the right thing at the right time.  And. . . 


  • UNLIMITED email access to me (and personally and promptly respond to your emails.)


  • And Access to weekly live workshops and office hours via Zoom.


Book a Free Conference with Janie

The YMD Membership is the digital version of my brain


-- loaded with the 20+ years of my family court experience


-- available to you 24-7.

Want to learn more?  We should talk.


Scroll down to schedule a FREE video conference with me.


We'll come up with a customized plan for your divorce.  If the Membership is right for you, I'll invite you to join.